Unfortunately, I don’t have an exact report about the earning of YouTube, so you need to do a google search. The idea is that you can also create a video-sharing platform without coding, but it is good if you know How to code. Creating and marketing your website entirely another case, you can create a video platform site like YouTube for just under $100. But the question is how much traffic, storage, speed, bandwidth it can handle. So, a huge budget is required, and also it is not a site that can be controlled by a single person. You need a team, a very responsive team to handle the work. Anyway, my job here is to show you How to Create a Website Similar to YouTube Without Coding and I leave the rest of the work to you.

How to Create a Website Similar to YouTube Without Coding?

YouTube is really an amazing video-sharing platform for all types of users, In fact, most of the things I learn are on YouTube. Creating a website similar to youTube without coding is not a lot hard but a powerful team must be there to back you up. There are a lot of requirements but I will only introduce you to important things.

1. Purchase a Domain

Well, the domain is the name of your site, the first step is to register for a domain. You can check if a domain is available or not at domainr.com. After finding if the domain is available you can register it anywhere that you want. you can register it at domains.google.com or any other platform. But I am using Namecheap to register my domains. It depends on you where you are registering your domain.

2. Purchase Web Hosting

3. Purchase PlayTube – The Ultimate PHP Video CMS & Video Sharing Platform Script

The is a very powerful script for creating a site similar site to YouTube.com. This script is not free, so you have to buy it from codecanyon.net, Also they have a support system too. If you ate stuck in any place after setting your video sharing site, you can contact them for support. And don’t worry, every now and then they are releasing a new and improved version of the script.

4. Install PlayTube – The Ultimate PHP Video CMS & Video Sharing Platform Script

To install the PlayTube, Login inside your hosting. If you are using another hosting provider like Namecheap, Godaddy, Siteground, Inmotion hosting, and others, login inside the Cpanel. If you are using Hostinger, log in inside the HPanel. Then go to file manager> Public_html> and Upload the zip script that you downloaded from Codecanyon.net. After uploading the script, you have to unzip it, if you are using the file manager Beta on Hostinger, right-click and choose unarchive. And make sure that you extract it inside the Public_html directory, if you have extracted it somewhere else, move it to Public_html. Now it is time to Install the PlayTube, to install it, type your domain name, and then type/Script. In my example, it will look like compressjpeg.us/Script. Or open your domain, and click on the Script directory. Once all the requirements are totally fine and there is no problem, simply click install. Notice the last two which are the config.php and ./nodejs/config.json, if there were any type of error, you have to contact your hosting provider. Now that everything is ready, a Database is required for the site, and we have to create it manually.  To create a database for our video sharing platform, go to your Cpanel or HPanel, and click on the MySQL Databases. Provide a name for the database and create a user for it. This is very important, at first you have to paste the license code that you just bought.

After that type the Database user name and password. Then Mention your domain’s URL.

Then type your site’s name, site title, Email, type a user with a Password. There is still a very small issue, the main domain is only showing files and folders inside the Public_html directory. And if you type at the end /Script. You will see that everything is there, so we have to redirect it to the main domain. To do it, go to The Cpanel/ Hpanel> File Manager> Public_Html> Script and select all of them and move them inside the Public_html directory.

5. log in to Dashboard

Now everything is fine and you are good to go, except How to access the dashboard. Visit your main domain, click on the three dots and click login, then simply login. Now you have to play around with the dashboard, learn Everything from scratch about the dashboard. There are many things that you may not know, ask from the support system or google it. The wrest is up to you How you are approaching the brands and people to upload their videos on Your video sharing platform.

Watch the video:

If the written article is complicated and you didn’t understand, perhaps watching the video will help.


This is the simplest and yet the easiest way on How to Create a Website Similar to YouTube Without Coding. Still, I am again typing that a good team is required for such a website alongside the hosting.

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