Hubpages is one of the popular sites to publish your contents free of charge. You are an author and willing to share your own personal feelings with huge developed network of people, it can be the perfect platform for you.

What is Hubpages?

Hubpages is an open community where you can find a ton of in-depth and informative user generated content on various topics. You can also use it to create articles on a wide range of topics where you can also ask questions and get answers from the fellow users. It is one of the most popular online networks which is accessed by millions of people worldwide. Did you know that over 42,000,000 people explore The HubPages Network every month? It’s so much popular! If you want to setup a free account with Hubpages, you can visit this link. Either you can use Facebook details to sign up instantly or enter your details such as name, email and so on to instantly create a free account with them.  Let’s get into the details.

How To Publish Your Articles On Hubpages Along With Alternatives

Benefits of using Hubpages

There is lot of benefits associated with it and some of them are listed below:

You can register for free Publish your feelings in written format You can share your published contents with huge network of people from all around the globe. You can follow others, and can be followed by other hubbers Read quality of contents published from other hubbers Comment and share your feelings about the contents published by other authors It is not only a free content publishing platform, but also shares revenues generated by your published hubs. Hubpages are one of the beneficial ways to market your business, product or your own identity. If you are a regular author and you can publish quality contents over hubpages, it can be a best revenue generating platform for you.

If you want to know how you can start with Hubpage, follow these steps:

Open Register for free (use your real name recommended) or you can also sign up with Facebook Once registered login to your account

Here’s how it looks like; Once you’ve setup an account with Hub pages, here are few first things you can do with it.

The first step is to follow others Click hubbers in the header navigation and start browsing profiles of other hubbers Don’t forget to leave back a fan mail for them; it will motivate others to follow you. Now it is the time to publish a new hub, I assume that you are already done with writing a unique and informative article in document format. Clicks start a new hub in the upper right corner. Enter the title of your hub, make it sure it should be attractive to attract others. Give your hub a unique Web Address e.g myhubs. The most important, choose the relevant category that best suits your article. It shares four types of formats with you choose the appropriate for you. Enter the entire contents of your hubs in the content capsule Add an impressive and eye catching snap to your hub. it shares different other capsules like amazon, ebay, pick up and add the best for your needs. Once finished editing the hub, save it and publish it as per your needs.

Read: How to Use Google Trends to Make Online Money In 2023 So you have finished your first hub, it is the time make some money with your published hub but how? Follow the following steps to earn money with Hubpages: Here’s how the content dashboard looks like;

Things to remember while publishing on Hubpages

Here are few things you need to remember before publishing on Hubpages.

Never consider publishing articles on Hubpages for the sake of SEO. Gone are the days where you can use these platforms to get more traffic to your targeted keywords, anchor texts and so on. Only do it if you want to hone your writing skills or get some online reputation. Don’t consider publishing on Hubpages to make money. Although it provides you various methods to make money but it’s almost impossible for you to use it to make A TON of money online while publishing articles. Instead you can start your own blog, create great content, drive more traffic and make money. Starting a blog is way better than writing articles on Hubpages for so many reasons. No one will be interested in linking to your articles on Hubpages (even if they are exceptional) as people tend to link to blogs or websites.

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Hubpages alternatives in 2023

Here are 5 of the best Hubpages alternatives you can use to create articles, read content, ask questions, get help from community and so on in 2023 and beyond. Let’s briefly talk about each of the above mentioned alternatives to find out how you can use them to publish your articles. Medium: There’s a reason why we put Medium #1 in this list of top alternatives and the reason is this: Medium is the no.1 online platform for writers which provides you everything you need to publish articles, get more fame and so on. Quora: Quora is the #1 platform used by millions of people worldwide as a Q & A platform where you’ll also find a ton of useful user generated content. You can use Quora to create content, publish a blog, connect with influencers and increase your online reputation. LiveJournal: Unlike Medium, on LiveJournal, you’ll find a lot of personal stories, hobbies and etc. So if you want to write for fun or a hobby, LiveJournal is a great choice for you whereas sites like Medium and Quora are great for educational purpose. LinkedIn: If you want to publish articles to connect with professionals and influencers in your industry (be it real estate, marketing, fitness or anything else), LinkedIn is for you which gives you access to publish articles. If you want to experience the pure joy of writing, you should definitely check out this platform as it provides you minimalistic and distraction free writing platform for all kinds of writers. Here are some of the questions you might want to know if you’re interested in publishing articles for Hubpages or other alternatives.

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Read: How to Make Money Blogging → You can earn money from HubPages contests and special programs→ You can also earn from premium ads on your articles via the HubPages Ad Program

Final thoughts on how to publish your articles on Hubpages

If you want to publish your articles on Hubpages, go create a free account and start expressing your thoughts and connect with other people to grow your online reputation. More Posts Worth Reading:

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Also give a try to their monetization model if you’re interested in earning from Hubpages and make sure to check out other alternatives which are listed in the post. Do you have any more questions on how to publish your articles on Hubpages? Share your views in the comments below.