This is an app that allows you to enjoy free music and YouTube videos on your device. You will note that it was developed by Jiron Studio and later released in the Google Play Store. The latest version of Shine Music was updated on Feb 5, 2020. If you go to Google Play Store, you can readily find this app in the entertainment category. Currently, this app is free to download. Therefore you will be able to enjoy your favorite music and videos for free from almost any artist in the world.

Key Features of the Shine Music App

This app has some incredible features that might fascinate you. These include:

  1. Recommends the most popular music in the world Some artists normally release music online and their work goes viral. This means that their music or video will be known by many people. If you are looking for a certain song that you have heard from many people out there, this app can readily enable you to get that song online. It recommends the most popular songs to you. This way you will not struggle to look for these songs out there.
  2. Powerful audio Do you want to enjoy audio songs when traveling, this app is there for you. You can trust that you will be able to listen to audio tracks in their finest quality.
  3. Presence of many songs Some music apps only display only a few songs from different artists. Such apps can limit you from listening to your favorite songs. The good news is that the Shine Music app has many songs that have been performed by different artists.
  4. User-friendly interface This app comes with a great user interface. You can trust that you will not experience any difficulties when using this app on your mobile phone or PC. Also, this interface is beautiful. This makes this app better than other music apps out there.
  5. Allows you to search the songs you like With this app, you will not be limited to looking for your favorite music genre. All you need is to enter the name of the songs that you want and you will get various results from which you can then make a selection.
  6. It is free If you want to download some apps from Google Play Store, you have to pay for them. However, this app is different. You will note that it is free with no internal purchases. It is purely free.

How to Download Shine Music App for PC

Most of the apps you find nowadays are only developed for mobile platforms. As a result, you can only use them on a smartphone or tablet. However, this has changed over time. As we speak, you can readily use Android apps on your PC. Therefore, you can still download the Shine Music app on your PC and use it the same way you would on a mobile device. All you need to download first is an Android emulator so that you can get started. The following are essential steps that can guide you:

  1. Download the BlueStacks emulator on your PC and install it.
  2. Once you have installed this app, you should launch it.
  3. Once it is open, you will be able to see the Home screen of this emulator.
  4. Since Google Play Store comes pre-installed in the BlueStacks, you will be able to find the Play Store on the home screen. Double-click the icon to open it.
  5. Enter your Google login details and then look for the Shine Music app and then click install.
  6. Once you click the install button this app will be installed on your computer.
  7. Finally, launch the app and start using it immediately.
  8. Will Shine Music apk works well if I fail to download an emulator for my PC? No. You have to download an Android emulator for your computer so that the Shine Music Android package kit can work optimally on your computer. Remember that the Shine Music apk is an Android package and therefore an Android emulator is ideal for this purpose.
  9. After Shine Music Download for PC, will I be able to listen to my favorite music? Yes. This app allows you to listen to millions of songs on YouTube. All you need to do is to search for the name of the song and you will get several results, from which you will make a selection. This makes it better compared to other apps that only show a few songs online.
  10. How much does it cost to install the Shine Music app? This app is free to install. As a result, you will not be charged anything to download it on your device.
  11. How long does it take to download the Shine Music app for PC? Depending on your internet connection, it will only take you a few minutes to download this app. As long as you have installed an Android emulator on your PC, you will be good to go.


If you are looking for a great yet simple music app, the Shine Music app is the ultimate solution for you. It comes with a user-friendly interface and allows you to search for your favorite song online. Install this app on your PC and you will not be frustrated. Related Read: Avee Music Player – How to Download and Install on PC More Posts - Website Follow Me: